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Ruby 開發者中心

使用 Oracle Database - 使用 ruby-oci8 驅動程式或 JRuby 和 Ruby on Rails 應用程式,使用 Oracle Enhanced Adapter for ActiveRecord 開發應用程式。

Getting started with Ruby

What is Ruby?

Ruby is a highly flexible programming language. Developers coding in Ruby can make changes to the way the language itself works.

Getting Started With Ruby (and Ruby on Rails) on OCI

Ruby isn’t just for web applications! Learn how to use OCI and Ruby together for projects like DevOps, automation, command-line tools, and data processing. Oracle’s deep experience in data and processing make OCI a beautiful complement to your Ruby projects.

使用 TruffleRuby 更快地執行 Ruby 程式碼

使用 TruffleRuby 更快地執行 Ruby 程式碼。TruffleRuby 是 Ruby 程式設計語言的 GraalVM 高效能實作。

Ruby Articles

OCI 容器執行處理上的 TruffleRuby

輕鬆開始使用 OCI 上的高效能 Ruby 應用系統。

Introducing myfile: A base Rails app on OCI

Get started using Ruby on Rails with a simple web app that shows you how easy it is to create a simple online file manager for uploading/downloading and sharing files on OCI.

myfile: Using Active Storage

Building on our simple web app, we’ll now use OCI Object Storage for an even more robust file tool that implements Rails Active Storage.

myfile — file attachment implementation using Dragonfly

Using the Ruby gem Dragonfly and OCI Object Storage, this article shows how you have plenty of options when building a web app on Oracle Cloud – because one size doesn’t fit all!

Ruby Gem - Carrierwave

Exploring more Ruby gems, this time Carrierwave joins the party. Here we’ll use it along with Fog::Storage to store items, plus we’ll explore some ways to clean up temp files created when running the application.

Ruby Gem - Shrine

Again building on our myfile application, this time we’ll see how to use the Ruby gem shrine in our application, including how to update the model we previously built.

指標 CRuby、MJIT、YJIT、JRuby 和 TruffleRuby

瞭解 TruffleRuby 如何比任何其他 Ruby 實作明顯更瞭解 Ruby 程式碼並進行最佳化。

Making Quick-and-Dirty REST calls to the OCI API in Ruby

When using Ruby, it's possible to leverage the power and all of the object-oriented goodness that the OCI Ruby SDK offers, yet also possible to make lightweight calls directly to the OCI API. Sometimes when we’re building applications we need a “quick-and-dirty” method to test our app before proceeding. In this article we’ll look at a simple REST call method to the OCI API, perfect for prototyping and testing.
