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Learn & build with Oracle today

Explore different options to learn and grow you skill set around Oracle products and services.

Learn from the experts

Check out the educational live events and webcasts, if you miss them,

Developer Events

There's no substitute for exchanging ideas, networking, and building community. Come see us virtually or in-person.

Developer Live

Online and free, Oracle Developer Live is a series of virtual events that feature keynotes, technical sessions, hands-on labs, demos, and panels and participation in a live Q&A with experts.



Check out our archived and live Webcasts, where you can learn how to use OCI services without leaving the comfort of the couch or standing desk.


Find your learning paths

Explore lessons and tutorials that fits to your skill level.


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Use cases

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Enterprise Apps

Comprehensive set of enterprise grade tools to build large scale, mission critical applications.


Accelerate the creation and deployment of machine learning models and automate routine tasks with AI.

Web Apps

Speed, performance, scalability for all your application needs.


Fully managed cluster for any workload.


Techniques and tools for implementing impactful analytics capabilities.


Focus on your applications rather than servers.

High Performance Computing

Enhanced high-performance network cluster to solve any complex problem.

App Migration & Modernization

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