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Java 10 Local Variable Type Inference

Java 10 introduced a new shiny language feature called local variable type inference. Sounds fancy! What is it? Let’s work through two situations where Java makes things a little difficult for us as a Java developer.

Context: Boilerplate and code readability

Perhaps on a more day to day, you wish there were things you wouldn’t need to repeat. For example in the code below (using Java 9’s collection factories), the types on the left hand-side may feel redundant and obvious:

    import static java.util.Map.entry;
List<String> cities = List.of("Brussels", "Cardiff", "Cambridge")
Map<String, Integer> citiesPopulation
       = Map.ofEntries(entry("Brussels", 1_139_000),
                     entry("Cardiff", 341_000));

This is is a fairly simple example but it exemplifies the traditional Java philosophy: you need to declare static types for everything including simple expressions. Let’s take a look at an example that is a bit more complex. For instance, the code below builds up a histogram of words from a string. It makes use of the groupingBy collector which lets you aggregate a stream into a Map. The groupingBy collector takes a classification function as first argument to build the keys of the map and a second collector (counting()) to count the number of values associated with that key. here is the word.

 String sentence = "A simple Java example that explores what Java
10 has to offer";
Collector<String, ?, Map<String, Long>> byOccurrence
     = groupingBy(Function.identity(), counting());
Map<String, Long> wordFrequency
     =" "))

It often makes sense to extract complicated expression into a variable or method to help code readability and re-use. In this case, the logic for building a histogram makes use of collectors. Unfortunately, the type of the result from groupingBy is hardly readable! There’s no chance that you’d figure it out just by looking at it.

The bottom line is that as new library enhancements have made their way in Java, they exploit generics more and more. This puts additional pressure on the developer with the introduction of more boilerplate code. The example above doesn’t mean that it is bad that you have to write types. Clearly, defining types for fields and method signatures enforces a contract that needs to be respected and this helps with maintenance as well as understanding. However, declaring types for intermediate expressions may feel less useful and cumbersome.

Type inference history

We’ve seen several occasions throughout Java’s history where language designers added “type inference” to help us write more concise code. Type inference is the idea that the compiler can figure out the static types for you so you don’t have to type them.

First, since Java 5 you have generics methods and the type parameter of that method can be inferred based on the context. For example, instead of:

List<String> cs = Collections.<String>emptyList();

You can say:

List<String> cs = Collections.emptyList();

Next, since Java 7, you may omit type parameters of generics in an expression when the context determines them. For example,

Map<String, List<String>> myMap = new HashMap<String,List<String>>();

can be abbreviated to the following by making use of the diamond <> operator:

Map<User, List<String>> userChannels = new HashMap<>();

The general idea is that the compiler can infer the type based on surrounding context. In this case the HashMap contains a list of strings as indicated on the left-hand side.

Since Java 8, lambda expressions such as:

Predicate<String> nameValidation = (String x) -> x.length() > 0;

can be shortened by omitting types

Predicate<String> nameValidation = x -> x.length() > 0;

Local variable Type inference

As types grow in size, generics parameterized by further generic types, then type inference can aid readability. The Scala and C# languages allow to replace the type in a local-variable declaration with the keyword var, and the compiler fills in the appropriate type from the variable initializer. For example, the declaration of userChannels shown previously could be written like this:

var userChannels = new HashMap<User, List<String>>();

or returned from a method which returns a list:

var channels = lookupUserChannels("Tom");

This idea is called local variable type inference and it is included in Java 10!

For example the code below:

Path path = Paths.get("src/web.log");
try (Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(path)){
    long warningCount
            = lines
                .filter(line -> line.contains("WARNING"))
    System.out.println("Found " + warningCount + " warnings in the
log file");
} catch (IOException e) {

Can be refactored as follows in Java 10:

var path = Paths.get("src/web.log");
try (var lines = Files.lines(path)){
    var warningCount
            = lines
                .filter(line -> line.contains("WARNING"))
    System.out.println("Found " + warningCount + " warnings in the
log file");
} catch (IOException e) {

Each of the expressions in the code above still has a static type (i.e. the declared type of a value):

  • The local variable path is of type Path
  • The variable lines is of Stream<String>
  • The variable ​warningCount is of type long

This means that assigning a different value will fail. For example the re-assignment below will produce a compilation error:

var warningCount = 5;
warningCount = "6";

|  Error:
|  incompatible types: java.lang.String cannot be converted to int
|  warningCount = "6"

There's some small cause for concern with type inference, however; given classes Car and Bike that subclass a class Vehicle and the declaration

var v = new Car();

Do you declare v to have type Car or Vehicle ? In this case a simple explanation that the missing type is the type of the initializer (here Car) is perfectly clear, and it can be backed up with a statement that var may not be used when there's no initializer. This means however that a later assignment of

v = new Bike();

stops working. In other words, polymorphic code doesn’t play nice with var.

Where can’t you use local variable type inference?

Where does local type inference not work? For starter, you cannot use it with fields and in method signatures. It’s only for local variables. E.g. the following is not possible:

public long process(var list) { }

You cannot use local variable declarations without an explicit initialisation. This means, you cannot just use the var syntax to declare a variable without a value. The following:

var x;

will return a compile error:

|  Error:
|  cannot infer type for local variable x
|    (cannot use 'var' on variable without initializer)
|  var x;
|  ^----^

You cannot initialize a var variable to null either. Indeed it is not clear what the type should be as it’s probably intended for late initialization.

|  Error:
|  cannot infer type for local variable x
|    (variable initializer is 'null')
|  var x = null;
|  ^-----------^

You cannot also use var with lambda expressions because they require an explicit target-type. The following assignment will fail:

var x = () -> {}
|  Error:
|  cannot infer type for local variable x
|    (lambda expression needs an explicit target-type)
|  var x = () -> {};
|  ^---------------^

Weirdly the following assignment is valid though because there is an explicit initializer on the right-hand side!

var list = new ArrayList<>();

What is the static type of list? The type of the variable inferred is ArrayList<Object> which is not particularly useful as you don’t benefit from generics so you may want to avoid this.

Type Inference with Non-Denotable Types

Java has a number of non-denotable types - that is to say types that can exist within your program, but for which there’s no way to explicitly write out the name for that type. A good example of a non-denotable type is an anonymous class - you can add fields and methods to it, but you won’t be able to write the name of the anonymous class in your Java code. The diamond operator can’t be used with anonymous classes. Var is less restricted and can be used to support some non-denotable types - specifically anonymous classes and intersection types.

The var keyword also enables us to use anonymous classes more effectively and refer to types that would otherwise be impossible to describe. Normally if you create an anonymous class you can add fields to it, but you can’t refer to those fields elsewhere because it needs to be assigned back to a named type. For example the following code snippet won’t compile because the type of productInfo is Object and you can't access fields name and total from an Object.

Object productInfo = new Object() {
        String name = "Apple";
        int total = 30;
System.out.println("name = " + + ", total = " +;

With var we can overcome this limitations. When you assign an anonymous class to a var typed local variable it infers the type of the anonymous class, rather than its parent. This means that you can refer to fields declared on the anonymous class.

var productInfo = new Object() {
    String name = "Apple";
    int total = 30;
System.out.println("name = " + + ", total = " +;

This may initially seem like an interesting piece of language trivia that has very little use, but it can be useful in some circumstances. For example sometimes you want to return a few values as an intermediate result inside some method. Normally you would have to create and maintain a new class just for this purpose, only to use it inside a single method. Inside the Collectors.averagingDouble() implementation a small array of double values is used for this purpose.

There’s a better approach that we can take with var - using an anonymous class as a store for intermediate values. Let’s consider a case where we have some products, each of which has a name, stock count and a per item monetary worth, or value, associated with it. We want to calculate the total cost for each item, ie count * value. Now if that was the only piece of information we could just map each Product into its cost, but in order to do something useful with the result we also want the product’s name. Here’s an example of how we can do this with var in Java 10:

var products = List.of(
    new Product(10, 3, "Apple"),
    new Product(5, 2, "Banana"),
    new Product(17, 5, "Pear"));
var productInfos = products
    .map(product -> new Object() {
        String name = product.getName();
        int total = product.getStock() * product.getValue();
productInfos.forEach(prod ->
    System.out.println("name = " + + ", total = " +;
This outputs:
name = Apple, total = 30
name = Banana, total = 10
name = Pear, total = 85

Not all non-denotable types can be used with var - anonymous classes and intersection types are supported. Wildcard captured types are not inferred so as to avoid even more cryptic wildcard related error messages being exposed to Java programmers. The goal of supporting non-denotable types was to retain as much information as possible in the inferred type and allow people to insert local variables and refactor more code. The original intent of this feature wasn’t to write code like the example you’ve seen above but simply to solve the problem of how var should deal with non-denotable types. Whether usage of var with non-denotable types becomes niche trivia or commonplace is still an unknown.

Type Inference Recommendations

Type inference definitely reduces the amount of time taken to write Java code but what about readability? Developers spend about 10x as much time reading source code as they do writing it, so you should definitely be optimising for ease of reading over ease of writing. The extent to which var improves this will always be subjective, it’s inevitable that some people will hate var and some love it. You should always be focussing on what helps your team-mates read your code so if they are happy reading code with var in then you should use it, otherwise not.

Sometimes including explicit types can impede readability. For example when looping over the entryset of a Map, you need to regurgitate the type parameters on the Map.Entry object. Here’s an example of looping over a Map from a country name, to the names of the cities within the country:

Map<String, List<String>> countryToCity = new HashMap<>();
// ...
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> citiesInCountry : countryToCity.entrySet()) {
  List<String> cities = citiesInCountry.getValue();
  // ...

We could rewrite this with var and reduce the repetition and boilerplate, like this:

var countryToCity = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// ...
for (var citiesInCountry : countryToCity.entrySet()) {
  var cities = citiesInCountry.getValue();
  // ...

There isn’t just a readability advantage here, though there’s also an advantage in terms of evolving and maintaining code. So for example if we take that same code with explicit types in and replace the String representing the name of the city with a City domain class that could contain additional information about the city then we need to rewrite all the code that is relying on that specific type being exposed, for example:

Map<String, List<City>> countryToCity = new HashMap<>();
// ...
for (Map.Entry<String, List<City>> citiesInCountry : countryToCity.entrySet()) {
  List<City> cities = citiesInCountry.getValue();
  // ...

If we had used the var keyword and type inference then we would need to alter the first line of code, not the others, for example:

var countryToCity = new HashMap<String, List<City>>();
// ...
for (var citiesInCountry : countryToCity.entrySet()) {
  var cities = citiesInCountry.getValue();
  // ...

And this illustrates a key principle with the use of var: don’t optimise for ease-of-writing, or ease-of-reading - optimise for ease-of-maintenance. This should balance readability with also the amount of code that needs to be changed as your program evolves over time. Of course it would be foolhardy to claim that adding type inference is always a positive for your code - sometimes having explicit types in code can help readability. This is particularly the case when the type isn’t obvious from the expression that generates it. In the following two snippets I would take the explicit over the implicit as I don’t know from just reading the getCities() method call what it is returning.

Map<String, List<City>> countryToCity = getCities();
var countryToCity = getCities();

This does bring us onto one final recommendation when it comes to readability and var: variable names matter! Because var removes the ability for the reader of your code to guess at its intent simply from the type of the variable it puts more of a burden on providing good names for local variables. In theory that’s something that we Java developers should already be putting effort into. In practice a lot of readability problems in Java code don’t relate to new language features but existing practices such variable naming that we don’t get right.

Type Inference and IDEs

One commonly used feature that many IDEs provide is the ability to extract a local variable, and in doing so they will infer the correct type of that variable and write it out for you. That is a feature that has some overlap with the var keyword in Java 10. Both the IDE feature and var remove the need to write out the type explicitly, but they otherwise have different trade offs.

Extract-local generates a local variable with the full, explicit, type written out in your code. Whilst var removes the need to have the explicit type written out in your code. So whilst they both have a similar value in terms of simplifying the writing of code, var alters readability in a way that extract local doesn’t. As we’ve mentioned before, this is mostly a readability benefit, but sometimes a hindrance.

Compared to other Programming Languages

Java isn’t the only or even first language to include type inference for variables. It’s been used in a whole host of other languages for several decades. In fact the type inference that is being introduced in Java 10 with var is a very limited and restricted form of type inference. This keeps the approach very simple and also ensures that compile errors related to var declarations are restricted to a single statement, because the var inference algorithm only looks at the expression being assigned to the variable in order to deduce the type. Furthermore the Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm used in most programming languages takes exponential time in the worst case, potentially slowing javac down.


var is a pretty nice little addition to the Java language in terms of productivity and readability, but the fun doesn’t stop there. Future versions of Java will continue the steady evolution and modernisation of the language. For example in Java 11, to be released a mere 6 months after Java 10 and with long term support, the use of the var keyword will be allowed within the parameters of a lambda expression. This is useful because it allows you to have a formal parameter whose type is inferred, but which you can still add Java annotations on, for example:

(@Nonnull var x, var y) -> x.process(y)

Other ideas that have been implemented within functional programming languages and are ready for the mainstream will be working their way into future Java versions, for example, pattern matching and value types. This doesn’t mean that these improvements will stop the Java we all know and love from being Java. It’ll just be a more flexible, readable and concise Java than ever before.

About the Authors

Raoul-Gabriel Urma is CEO and co-founder of Cambridge Spark, a leading learning community for data scientists and developers in UK. In addition, he is also Chairman and co-founder of Cambridge Coding Academy, a growing community of young coders and pre-university students. Raoul is author of the bestselling programming book “Java 8 in Action” which sold over 20,000 copies globally. He was nominated a Java Champion in 2017. Raoul completed a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge. Raoul has delivered over 100 technical talks at international conferences. He has worked for Google, eBay, Oracle, and Goldman Sachs. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society.

Richard Warburton is an empirical technologist and solver of deep-dive technical problems. Recently he has written a book on Java 8 Lambdas for O’Reilly. He’s worked as a developer in many areas including Statistical Analytics, Static Analysis, Compilers and Networking. He is a leader in the London Java Community and runs OpenJDK Hackdays. Richard is also a known conference speaker, having talked at JavaOne, Devoxx, JFokus, DevoxxUK, Geecon, JAX London and Codemotion. He has obtained a PhD in Computer Science from The University of Warwick.

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