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Mastering .NET Application Development with Oracle

Leverage the power of ref cursors and ODP.NET to create powerful, flexible, and scalable applications.

There are several ways to return query results from an Oracle database to a client application, using Oracle Data Provider for .NET; one of the most powerful, flexible, and scalable methods is to use ref cursor. This article introduces ref cursors and why they are useful, including an example of how to use multiple active result sets with Oracle. The sample code illustrates how simple it is to begin using ref cursors in your .NET code.

What you will need

  • Access to Oracle9i Database or Oracle Database 10g
  • Access to the HR sample user
  • Oracle Client 9i Release 2 or higher
  • Oracle Data Provider for .NET
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 or higher

What Is a Ref Cursor?

If you are not familiar with ref cursors, your first question might naturally be, "Just what is a ref cursor, anyway?" Simply put, a ref cursor is a PL/SQL datatype whose value is an address that represents the memory location of a query work area on the database server. This may, in turn, cause you to subsequently wonder just what a query work area is. A query work area can be thought of as the result set (sometimes also referred to as a row set) on the server-it is the location where the results of a query are stored in server memory. When you start reading terms such as "query work area" and "memory address," you may begin to think that ref cursors are complicated and require dealing with C-style pointers and the like. Fortunately, this is not the case with Oracle Data Provider for .NET. In fact, when using Oracle Data Provider for .NET, you can think of a ref cursor as nothing more than a handle to a result set on the server. Because a ref cursor is a PL/SQL datatype, you do need some way of representing the ref cursor in your .NET code, and that is accomplished through the OracleRefCursorclass exposed by Oracle Data Provider for .NET.

Ref Cursor Characteristics

Ref cursors have several important characteristics that must be taken into account for proper use with Oracle Data Provider for .NET in your code:

  • A ref cursor refers to server memory. The memory address represented by a ref cursor "lives" on the database server, not on the client machine. This implies that the client must maintain the connection to the database during the lifetime of the ref cursor. If the underlying connection to the database is closed, the ref cursor will become inaccessible from the client.
  • A ref cursor involves an additional database round trip. Because a ref cursor is a pointer to memory on the server that is returned to the client, the actual data contained in the ref cursor is not initially returned to the client. When the client opens the ref cursor by calling the ExecuteNonQuery method of an OracleCommand object, for example, only the memory address where the data resides on the server is returned. The client must subsequently request the data contained in the ref cursor, once it has opened the ref cursor. Although it requires an additional round trip, this can be beneficial for performance in some circumstances. Data won't be retrieved until the user attempts to read it, preventing a potential bottleneck if many query results are returned from a stored procedure.
  • A ref cursor is not updatable. The result set represented by the ref cursor is read-only. You cannot update the database via a ref cursor.
  • A ref cursor is not backward-scrollable. The data represented by the ref cursor is accessed in a forward-only, serial manner. You cannot position a record pointer inside the ref cursor to point to random records in the result set.
  • A ref cursor is a PL/SQL datatype. You create and return a ref cursor inside a PL/SQL code block. 
  • A ref cursor can be either weak- or strong-typed. A strong-typed ref cursor has a return type defined when the ref cursor itself is declared in PL/SQL. In contrast to a strong-typed ref cursor, a weak-typed ref cursor has no return type defined, meaning that a weak-typed ref cursor can refer to a query work area of any type. On the other hand, a strong-typed ref cursor may refer only to a query work area that has the same type (or structure) as the type that was used when the ref cursor was declared. In other words, a strong-typed ref cursor is specific, whereas a weak-typed ref cursor is generic. This article makes use of weak-typed ref cursors.

The OracleRefCursor Class

As briefly mentioned, the manner in which a ref cursor is represented in your .NET code is via the OracleRefCursor class, which is exposed by Oracle Data Provider for .NET in the Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespace. The OracleRefCursor class is a simple class that has no constructor and exposes the GetDataReader method as a means of gaining access to the data stored in the query work area on the server. You can also use the OracleRefCursor class in conjunction with the OracleDataAdapter class to populate DataTables and DataSets. Because the OracleRefCursor class has no constructor, you do not instantiate objects of this class in the standard manner. Instead, you create an instance of the OracleParameter class and set the OracleDbType property to a value of RefCursor Remember that a ref cursor is a PL/SQL datatype, so an instance of the OracleParameter class is necessary to pass the ref cursor as a parameter out of a PL/SQL block. In addition, the ref cursor may also be passed to the calling client as an output parameter or a function return value. In the Oracle Database 10g Release 2 version of ODP.NET, it is possible to pass a ref cursor as an input parameter.

Why Use PL/SQL and Ref Cursors?

At this point, you know what a ref cursor is, have encountered some of the important attributes of ref cursors, and have learned that you need to use the OracleRefCursor class in conjunction with the OracleParameter class to pass a ref cursor from PL/SQL into your .NET code.

Two related questions I am often asked are, "Can't I just embed SQL statements in my code and use the OracleCommand object to get the data from the database?" and "If so, then why bother using PL/SQL and ref cursors?"

My answer to the first question is, "Yes, you can." And my answer to the second question is, "Because it makes sense to do so, depending on the circumstances." Let me explain. It is, after all, possible to create entire applications without ever writing or calling a single line of PL/SQL code. However, ref cursors can help optimize Oracle data retrieval. One of the primary benefits of using PL/SQL is that it is tightly integrated with both Oracle Database and the SQL language. For example, Oracle column types in a table are, in general, PL/SQL datatypes, and vice versa. This permits you to work with a single variable that is of the correct datatype for both a table in the database and the programming language being used. Another benefit that is sometimes overlooked is that you can use PL/SQL as a security tool or mechanism. It's possible to create a PL/SQL procedure that returns data from a database table to which users have no direct access and are thus unable to browse with an external tool—they can get to the data only via the PL/SQL code. The users need the appropriate permissions to execute the PL/SQL procedure or function for this scenario to work correctly, but these can be granted by the database administrator. In addition, by using PL/SQL, you are moving code that deals with the data into the database and separating the client logic from the data logic. Moving the code into the database implicitly centralizes it, so it needs to be managed only in a single location.

The primary purpose of the ref cursor datatype is to allow PL/SQL code to return a result set to a program that is written in another language and is external to the database. It is the mechanism whereby PL/SQL code returns result sets to a client application. If you want to return a result set from PL/SQL code to a client, using a ref cursor is the way to go about it.

Even though there are several reasons to use PL/SQL, .NET programmers may initially find that it feels a bit unnatural to move code out of the .NET environment and into the database. However, keep in mind that PL/SQL was created for working with data in an Oracle database and that it does an excellent job. In fact, recent releases of the database, especially Oracle Database 10g, include enhancements to the PL/SQL compiler and optimizer, which make using PL/SQL even more appealing from a pure performance perspective.

PL/SQL Packages and Package Bodies

If you are new to Oracle, you may not be familiar with PL/SQL packages and package bodies. A package is a construct PL/SQL has inherited from Ada, the language on which PL/SQL is based. In a nutshell, a PL/SQL package is a mechanism for storing or bundling related items as a single logical entity. A package is composed of two distinct pieces:

  • The package specification. Defines what is contained in the package and is akin to a header file in a language such as C++. Items defined in the specification are public . That is, code outside of the specification and the body can "see" these items. The specification is the published interface to a package.
  • The package body. Contains the code for the procedures and functions defined in the specification. The body may also contain code not declared in the specification; in this case, this code is private and is visible only to code within the package body.

These two pieces are stored as separate objects in the data dictionary and can be seen in the user_source view, among others. The specification is stored as the PACKAGE type, and the body is stored as the PACKAGE BODY type. Note that it is possible to have a specification with no body. It isn't possible, however, to have a body with no specification. For example, you can use a specification with no body to declare a set of public constants; because a set of constants doesn't need an implementation, a body isn't necessary. You can view package bodies and specifications by using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET .

The Sample Application

Now that you have a firm grasp of the various concepts and constructs involved in using a ref cursor from within a .NET application, it's time to take a look at some code to create a sample console application that illustrates how the pieces fit together. Because you will be using instances of the OracleDataReader and DataSet classes in the client application to retrieve the data from the ref cursor, modifying this sample to work as a traditional Windows client or an ASP.NET client would be a straightforward task. You will be working with the HR sample schema that is part of the sample schemas that ship with the Oracle9i and Oracle 10g software. The sample application will retrieve a subset of the columns and rows in the EMPLOYEEStable in the HR schema and display the results in a console window. You will work with both function return values and output parameters of a procedure.

The PL/SQL Code

You can create either the PL/SQL code first or the .NET code first; however, because you will need to know the name of the package, functions, and procedures to use in your .NET code, it seems logical to create the PL/SQL code first. To create the PL/SQL package and package body, log on to the database as the HR user, using SQL*Plus. Note that the HR user is locked by default. You may have to unlock the account prior to logging in to the database. Once you have successfully logged in to the database, execute the otn_ref_cursor.sql script to create the PL/SQL package and package body. This script is available as part of the sample code download. The README.txt file within the download provides more details on executing it. The following is the otn_ref_cursor.sql file:

create or replace package otn_ref_cursor as
    -- used to illustrate passing a ref cursor
    -- as a return value from a function
    -- or as an output parameter from a procedure
    function get_emp_info return sys_refcursor;
    procedure get_emp_info(p_rc out sys_refcursor);
    procedure get_multiple_cursors(p_rc1 out sys_refcursor,
                                   p_rc2 out sys_refcursor,
                                   p_rc3 out sys_refcursor);

Now that you have created the PL/SQL package, you can create the PL/SQL package body. The following code that creates the PL/SQL package body is also part of the otn_ref_cursor.sql file:

create or replace package body otn_ref_cursor as
    function get_emp_info return sys_refcursor is
      -- declare the cursor variable
      -- sys_refcursor is a built in type
      l_cursor sys_refcursor;
      open l_cursor for
      select   employee_id,
               to_char(hire_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') hire_date
      from     employees
      where    last_name like 'A%'
      order by last_name,
      return l_cursor;
    procedure get_emp_info(p_rc out sys_refcursor) is
      -- open the cursor using the passed in ref cursor
      -- sys_refcursor is a built in type
      open p_rc for
      select   employee_id,
               to_char(hire_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') hire_date
      from     employees
      where    last_name like 'A%'
      order by last_name,
    procedure get_multiple_cursors(p_rc1 out sys_refcursor,
                                   p_rc2 out sys_refcursor,
                                   p_rc3 out sys_refcursor) is
      -- open the cursors using the passed in ref cursor parameters
      -- sys_refcursor is a built in type
      open p_rc1 for
      select   employee_id,
               to_char(hire_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') hire_date
      from     employees
      where    last_name like 'A%'
      order by last_name,
      open p_rc2 for
      select   employee_id,
               to_char(hire_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') hire_date
      from     employees
      where    last_name like 'B%'
      order by last_name,
      open p_rc3 for
      select   employee_id,
               to_char(hire_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') hire_date
      from     employees
      where    last_name like 'C%'
      order by last_name,

The Class Methods

Creating class methods illustrates the various ways of working with ref cursors. In addition, you will create "helper" class methods for displaying the results to the console window:

  • The DisplayRefCursorData method: This method is an overloaded method that displays all the data in a DataSet object or an OracleDataReader object.
  • The DisplayDataReaderRow method: This method is used to display a single row of data in an OracleDataReader object.
  • The GetCursorFunction method: This method is used to retrieve a ref cursor as a function return value.
  • The GetCursorParameter method: This method is used to retrieve a ref cursor as an output parameter from a procedure.
  • The TraverseResultSets method: This method is used to retrieve multiple cursors and illustrates serially traversing each result set.
  • The MultipleActiveResultSets method: This method is used to retrieve and "randomly" process multiple active result sets.

The Main Method

The purpose of the Main method in our sample code is to establish a connection with the database and then call each of the member methods to illustrate using ref cursors. Note: To run the sample, be sure to modify the User Id, Password , and Data Sourceparameters in the connection string if they are different from the ones below.

// C#
  static void Main(string[] args)
    // create a connection to the database
    // change values as needed for your environment
    OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection("User Id=hr; Password=hr; Data Source=otndemo; Pooling=false");
    // attempt to open the connection
    catch (OracleException ex)
    // only call our methods if we are connected
    // to the database
    if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open)
      // call method that gets a ref cursor from pl/sql function
      // call method that gets a ref cursor from pl/sql procedure
      // call method that serially traverses multiple result sets
      // call method that illustrates multiple active result sets (MARS)
    // clean up the connection object
  ' Visual Basic .NET
  Sub Main()
    ' create a connection to the database
    ' change values as needed for your environment
    Dim con As OracleConnection = New OracleConnection
        ("User Id=hr;Password=hr;Data Source=otndemo;Pooling=false")
    ' attempt to open the connection
    Catch ex As OracleException
    End Try
    ' only call our methods if we are connected
    ' to the database
    If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
      ' call method that gets a ref cursor from pl/sql function
      ' call method that gets a ref cursor from pl/sql procedure
      ' call method that serially traverses multiple result sets
      ' call method that illustrates multiple active result sets (MARS)
    End If
  End Sub

The various methods used to demonstrate working with ref cursors all follow the same general pattern. Each method creates an OracleCommand object that is used to invoke the PL/SQL code in the database. The CommandType property for the OracleCommand object is set to a value of CommandType.StoredProcedure , to indicate that the command text represents a name for stored PL/SQL code in the database. The command text and the database connection for the OracleCommand object are initialized in the OracleCommand object constructor call. After creation of the OracleCommand object, an OracleParameter object is created. It is the OracleParameter object that will represent the ref cursor in the .NET code. You do this by setting the OracleDbType property to OracleDbType.RefCursor for each parameter object. It is essential that you set this property correctly when using ref cursors. You set the ParameterDirection property to an appropriate value, based on whether you are calling a function or a procedure in the PL/SQL package you created earlier. The parameter is then added to the collection for the command object and executed. The ref cursor is then accessed as either an OracleDataReader object or a DataSet, by use of the OracleDataAdapter class. Finally, objects are disposed of to release resources.

The GetCursorFunction method code invokes the  get_emp_info function in the PL/SQL package. When working with PL/SQL functions, it is important to properly declare the ParameterDirection, as in our example. This code is as follows:

// C#
  static void GetCursorFunction(OracleConnection con)
    // display a simple marker line to the console
    // to indicate where we are
    Console.WriteLine("In GetCursorFunction...");
    // create the command object and set attributes
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("otn_ref_cursor.get_emp_info", con);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    // create parameter object for the cursor
    OracleParameter p_refcursor = new OracleParameter();
    // this is vital to set when using ref cursors
    p_refcursor.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
    // this is a function return value so we must indicate that fact
    p_refcursor.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
    // add the parameter to the collection
    // create a data adapter to use with the data set
    OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
    // create the data set
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    // fill the data set
    // display the data to the console window
    // clean up our objects release resources
  ' Visual Basic .NET
  Sub GetCursorFunction(ByVal con As OracleConnection)
    ' display a simple marker line to the console
    ' to indicate where we are
    Console.WriteLine("In GetCursorFunction...")
    ' create the command object and set attributes
    Dim cmd As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand("otn_ref_cursor.get_emp_info", con)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    ' create parameter object for the cursor
    Dim p_refcursor As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
    ' this is vital to set when using ref cursors
    p_refcursor.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor
    ' this is a function return value so we must indicate that fact
    p_refcursor.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
    ' add the parameter to the collection
    ' create a data adapter to use with the data set
    Dim da As OracleDataAdapter = New OracleDataAdapter(cmd)
    ' create the data set
    Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet
    ' fill the data set
    ' display the data to the console window
    ' clean up our objects release resources
  End Sub

The GetCursorParameter method code invokes the get_emp_info procedure in the PL/SQL package. As is the case when working with PL/SQL functions, it is important to properly declare the ParameterDirection when working with output parameters from a procedure. This code is as follows:

// C#
  static void GetCursorParameter(OracleConnection con)
    // display a simple marker line to the console
    // to indicate where we are
    Console.WriteLine("In GetCursorParameter...");
    // create the command object and set attributes
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("otn_ref_cursor.get_emp_info", con);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    // create parameter object for the cursor
    OracleParameter p_refcursor = new OracleParameter();
    // this is vital to set when using ref cursors
    p_refcursor.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
    // this is an output parameter so we must indicate that fact
    p_refcursor.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    // add the parameter to the collection
    // create a data adapter to use with the data set
    OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
    // create the data set
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    // fill the data set
    // display the data to the console window
    // clean up our objects release resources
  ' Visual Basic .NET
  Sub GetCursorParameter(ByVal con As OracleConnection)
    ' display a simple marker line to the console
    ' to indicate where we are
    Console.WriteLine("In GetCursorParameter...")
    ' create the command object and set attributes
    Dim cmd As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand("otn_ref_cursor.get_emp_info", con)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    ' create parameter object for the cursor
    Dim p_refcursor As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
    ' this is vital to set when using ref cursors
    p_refcursor.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor
    ' this is an output parameter so we must indicate that fact
    p_refcursor.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    ' add the parameter to the collection
    ' create a data adapter to use with the data set
    Dim da As OracleDataAdapter = New OracleDataAdapter(cmd)
    ' create the data set
    Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet
    ' fill the data set
    ' display the data to the console window
    ' clean up our objects release resources
  End Sub

The TraverseResultSets method code retrieves multiple cursors in a single database call and illustrates how Oracle Data Provider for .NET allows result sets to be serially accessed, one after the other.

// C#
  static void TraverseResultSets(OracleConnection con)
    // display a simple marker line to the console
    // to indicate where we are
    Console.WriteLine("In TraverseResultSets...");
    // create the command object and set attributes
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("otn_ref_cursor.get_multiple_cursors", con);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    // create parameter objects for the cursors
    OracleParameter p_rc1 = new OracleParameter();
    OracleParameter p_rc2 = new OracleParameter();
    OracleParameter p_rc3 = new OracleParameter();
    // this is vital to set when using ref cursors
    p_rc1.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
    p_rc2.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
    p_rc3.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
    // these are output parameters so we must indicate that fact
    p_rc1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    p_rc2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    p_rc3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    // add the parameters to the collection
    // work with an OracleDataReader rather
    // than a DataSet to illustrate ODP.NET features
    OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    // display the data in the first ref cursor
    Console.WriteLine("Displaying ref cursor #1:");
    // the Oracle Data Provider follows the standard
    // by exposing the NextResult method to traverse
    // multiple result sets
    // display the data in the second ref cursor
    if (dr.NextResult())
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying ref cursor #2:");
    // display the data in the third ref cursor
    if (dr.NextResult())
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying ref cursor #3:");
    // clean up our objects and release resources
  ' Visual Basic .NET
  Sub TraverseResultSets(ByVal con As OracleConnection)
    ' display a simple marker line to the console
    ' to indicate where we are
    Console.WriteLine("In TraverseResultSets...")
    ' create the command object and set attributes
    Dim cmd As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand("otn_ref_cursor.get_multiple_cursors", con)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    ' create parameter objects for the cursors
    Dim p_rc1 As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
    Dim p_rc2 As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
    Dim p_rc3 As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
    ' this is vital to set when using ref cursors
    p_rc1.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor
    p_rc2.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor
    p_rc3.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor
    ' these are output parameters so we must indicate that fact
    p_rc1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    p_rc2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    p_rc3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    ' add the parameters to the collection
    ' work with an OracleDataReader rather
    ' than a DataSet to illustrate ODP.NET features
    Dim dr As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
    ' display the data in the first ref cursor
    Console.WriteLine("Displaying ref cursor #1:")
    ' the Oracle Data Provider follows the standard
    ' by exposing the NextResult method to traverse
    ' multiple result sets
    ' display the data in the second ref cursor
    If (dr.NextResult()) Then
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying ref cursor #2:")
    End If
    ' display the data in the third ref cursor
    If (dr.NextResult()) Then
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying ref cursor #3:")
    End If
    ' clean up our objects and release resources
  End Sub

The MultipleActiveResultSets method illustrates a feature of Oracle Data Provider for .NET, by retrieving and "randomly" processing multiple result sets that are concurrently active. This feature has been available since the first version of ODP.NET. In addition, note that this code "skips" the second ref cursor during processing. The first and third result sets are retrieved to the .NET client, but the second result set's data is deferred and remains on the database server. This improves response time, because the second result set's data retrieval can be deferred until a time when it may be needed.

// C#
  static void MultipleActiveResultSets(OracleConnection con)
    // display a simple marker line to the console
    // to indicate where we are
    Console.WriteLine("In MultipleActiveResultSets...");
    // create the command object and set attributes
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("otn_ref_cursor.get_multiple_cursors", con);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    // create parameter objects for the cursors
    OracleParameter p_rc1 = new OracleParameter();
    OracleParameter p_rc2 = new OracleParameter();
    OracleParameter p_rc3 = new OracleParameter();
    // this is vital to set when using ref cursors
    p_rc1.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
    p_rc2.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
    p_rc3.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
    // these are output parameters so we must indicate that fact
    p_rc1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    p_rc2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    p_rc3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    // add the parameters to the collection
    // execute the command to open the ref cursors
    // work with an OracleDataReader rather
    // than a DataSet to illustrate ODP.NET features
    OracleDataReader dr1 = ((OracleRefCursor) p_rc1.Value).GetDataReader();
    // notice we are skipping the second (or "middle") ref cursor
    OracleDataReader dr3 = ((OracleRefCursor) p_rc3.Value).GetDataReader();
    // illustrate the multiple result sets are active
    // by "randomly" displaying data from each one
    if (dr1.Read())
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying data from ref cursor #1:");
    if (dr3.Read())
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying data from ref cursor #3:");
    if (dr1.Read())
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying data from ref cursor #1:");
    if (dr3.Read())
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying data from ref cursor #3:");
    // clean up our objects and release resources
  ' Visual Basic .NET
  Sub MultipleActiveResultSets(ByVal con As OracleConnection)
    ' display a simple marker line to the console
    ' to indicate where we are
    Console.WriteLine("In MultipleActiveResultSets...")
    ' create the command object and set attributes
    Dim cmd As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand("otn_ref_cursor.get_multiple_cursors", con)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    ' create parameter objects for the cursors
    Dim p_rc1 As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
    Dim p_rc2 As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
    Dim p_rc3 As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
    ' this is vital to set when using ref cursors
    p_rc1.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor
    p_rc2.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor
    p_rc3.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor
    ' these are output parameters so we must indicate that fact
    p_rc1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    p_rc2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    p_rc3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    ' add the parameters to the collection
    ' execute the command to open the ref cursors
    ' work with an OracleDataReader rather
    ' than a DataSet to illustrate ODP.NET features
    Dim dr1 As OracleDataReader = DirectCast(p_rc1.Value, OracleRefCursor).GetDataReader()
    ' notice we are skipping the second (or "middle") ref cursor
    Dim dr3 As OracleDataReader = DirectCast(p_rc3.Value, OracleRefCursor).GetDataReader()
    ' illustrate the multiple result sets are active
    ' by "randomly" displaying data from each one
    If (dr1.Read()) Then
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying data from ref cursor #1:")
    End If
    If (dr3.Read()) Then
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying data from ref cursor #3:")
    End If
    If (dr1.Read()) Then
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying data from ref cursor #1:")
    End If
    If (dr3.Read()) Then
      Console.WriteLine("Displaying data from ref cursor #3:")
    End If
    ' clean up our objects and release resources
  End Sub

Running the Sample Application

Now that you have created all the required components and code, you can run the sample and view its output in the console window. Here is what the output should resemble:

In GetCursorFunction...
  174, Abel, Ellen, 11-MAY-1996
  166, Ande, Sundar, 24-MAR-2000
  130, Atkinson, Mozhe, 30-OCT-1997
  105, Austin, David, 25-JUN-1997
  In GetCursorParameter...
  174, Abel, Ellen, 11-MAY-1996
  166, Ande, Sundar, 24-MAR-2000
  130, Atkinson, Mozhe, 30-OCT-1997
  105, Austin, David, 25-JUN-1997
  In TraverseResultSets...
  Displaying ref cursor #1:
  174, Abel, Ellen, 11-MAY-1996
  166, Ande, Sundar, 24-MAR-2000
  130, Atkinson, Mozhe, 30-OCT-1997
  105, Austin, David, 25-JUN-1997
  Displaying ref cursor #2:
  204, Baer, Hermann, 07-JUN-1994
  116, Baida, Shelli, 24-DEC-1997
  167, Banda, Amit, 21-APR-2000
  172, Bates, Elizabeth, 24-MAR-1999
  192, Bell, Sarah, 04-FEB-1996
  151, Bernstein, David, 24-MAR-1997
  129, Bissot, Laura, 20-AUG-1997
  169, Bloom, Harrison, 23-MAR-1998
  185, Bull, Alexis, 20-FEB-1997
  Displaying ref cursor #3:
  187, Cabrio, Anthony, 07-FEB-1999
  148, Cambrault, Gerald, 15-OCT-1999
  154, Cambrault, Nanette, 09-DEC-1998
  110, Chen, John, 28-SEP-1997
  188, Chung, Kelly, 14-JUN-1997
  119, Colmenares, Karen, 10-AUG-1999
  In MultipleActiveResultSets...
  Displaying data from ref cursor #1:
  174, Abel, Ellen, 11-MAY-1996
  Displaying data from ref cursor #3:
  187, Cabrio, Anthony, 07-FEB-1999
  Displaying data from ref cursor #1:
  166, Ande, Sundar, 24-MAR-2000
  Displaying data from ref cursor #3:
  148, Cambrault, Gerald, 15-OCT-1999


This article has introduced you to using ref cursors from within your .NET applications. It examined what ref cursors are and explored some characteristics of ref cursors that are important to take into account. You've learned that the OracleRefCursor class-in conjunction with the OracleParameter, OracleDataReader, OracleDataAdapter , and DataSet classes-can easily be used to get data from the server into your .NET code, and you've worked through a sample console application to tie these various pieces together. After following the steps in this article, you should be able to begin implementing ref cursors in your .NET applications.

Mark A. Williams is the author of Pro .NET Oracle Programming (Apress, November 2004) and currently works as a Production DBA in the medical diagnostics industry. He has been working with Oracle since release of the database and is an Oracle ACE as well as Oracle Certified Professional Database Administrator for versions 7, 8, 8i, 9i, and 10g.

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