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The Best of Both Worlds: Combining R with SQL for Data Analysis

To leverage the parallelism and scalability of Oracle Database, Oracle R Enterprise users don’t have to learn SQL, and the marriage of the two worlds of R and SQL is extremely powerful and has a number of advantages that make it very suitable for data analysis. Because SQL remains the primary tool when it comes to accessing and manipulating database data, the ability to integrate R with SQL opens the door for R data analysts to take full advantage of all those capabilities available in Oracle Database for production applications.

This article will show you how to manipulate R script invocations and their results in SQL. To follow along, you will need to have Oracle R Enterprise installed on your system. For a quick overview of the Oracle R Enterprise installation, you can refer to the "Setting Up Your Working Environment" section in my previous OTN article, "Machine Learning with R in Oracle Database," or refer to the Oracle R Enterprise Installation and Administration Guide for a detailed description.

SQL Interface for In-Database R Executions

This section provides a simple example of how you can invoke R code through a SQL interface, using embedded R execution in Oracle R Enterprise.

In this particular example, you start with creating an OREdm R model object through an R interface, saving that model object in the database for further usage. Then, you create a stored R script in SQL. The function you define in this script loads the OREdm R model object from the database and then uses it for making predictions on a dataset passed in as a parameter. Finally, the function returns the prediction results as a data.frame object.

Below are the detailed steps.

Assuming you have installed Oracle R Enterprise on your system, you can launch an R session with the ORE script, as follows:


Next, at the R prompt, you load the ORE packages and then connect to an Oracle Database instance:

> library(ORE)
> ore.connect(user = "ruser", sid = "orcl", host = "localhost", password = "pswd", port = 1521 )

In the next step, you create a proxy ore.frame object for a dt_ontime table that is supposed to be in the ruser database schema already:

> ore.sync(table = c("dt_ontime"))
> ore.attach()

The dt_ontime table used in this example contains a sample of the Airline On-Time Performance Data dataset. You can download such a sample as a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Further details on how you can turn it into a database table through an R interface can be found in my previous article "Machine Learning with R in Oracle Database."

Now that you have the dataset as an ore.frame in your R session, you can build a model on it. In this particular example, you build an Oracle Data Mining Naive Bayes model, using the ore.odmNB function from the OREdm package.


The next step is to store the model object in the database. With the invocation of, as shown below, you define datastore dt_store1 in the database and save the nb.mod object in it.

>, name="dt_store1")

Now you have a model object saved in the database, ready to be loaded in R for further use. The key point to understand here is that such an object can be loaded and used in later sessions, through both an R interface and a SQL interface. The following examples, however, focus on using a SQL interface only. So, to follow along, you’ll need a tool such as SQL*Plus or Oracle Developer to connect to your Oracle Database instance.

To be able to create and drop R scripts, you must connect to the database as a user granted the RQADMIN role.

In this example, you need to create a stored R script, say, NBModelOnFlights1. If you already have script NBModelOnFlights1 in the Oracle R Enterprise R script repository, you first have to drop it:


In the following code, you create the NBModelOnFlights1 script in the Oracle R Enterprise R script repository.

    'function(dat, ds, obj) {
       ore.load(name=ds, list=obj)
       mod <- get(obj)
       dat <- ore.frame(dat)
       prd <- predict(mod, dat,supplemental.cols="DAY_OF_WEEK")

When invoked, this script loads the nb.mod model object you saved through an R interface earlier, and then it uses the predict function to score new data with this model. Because an R function defined within a script must return a data.frame, you explicitly invoke ore.pull for the output of the predict function to convert an ore.frame to a data.frame.

Now that you have the script created in the Oracle R Enterprise R script repository, you can invoke it for execution in one or more R engines embedded in the database. In the following example, you invoke the script through a SQL interface, using the rqTableEval SQL table function for embedded R execution:

SELECT * FROM table(rqTableEval(
             cursor(select DAY_OF_WEEK, DEP_DELAY, DISTANCE, AIR_TIME, 
             cursor(SELECT 'dt_store1' as "ds", 
               'nb.mod' as "obj", 
               1 as "ore.connect" FROM dual),
             'SELECT 1 "1", 1 "2", 1 "3", 1 "4", 1 "5", 1 "6", 1 "7", 1 

As you might notice, the SELECT statement in the cursor that specifies the data to pass to the script’s function issues a query against table dt_ontime_t. This table is assumed to be in the same database schema as the dt_ontime table used for creating the model, and it must have the same structure, containing some data for testing the model.

The produced output might look like this:

1                 2                 3                 4                 
5                 6                 7                	      DAY_OF_WEEK    
0.131442070007324 0.070445157587528 0.486642211675644 0.035652171820402 
0.030754357576370 0.034674596041441 0.210389420390129       7              
0.302076458930969 0.122818924486637 0.208635210990906 0.101462550461292 
0.115317955613136 0.065017424523830 0.084671482443809       1              
0.143176630139351 0.171820178627968 0.153432667255402 0.132373556494713 
0.131715834140777 0.138901546597481 0.128579586744308       5              
0.163881450891495 0.178976818919182 0.136870324611664 0.150399625301361 
0.143106788396835 0.14751261472702 0.079252384603023 1              2

Examining the arguments of the rqTableEval SQL table function used in the above query, you may notice that the column names of the returned result set are hardcoded in a select list. This is possible because, in this particular example, you know the structure of the returned result set in advance. Sometimes, however, you may not know ahead of time what columns will be included in the returning result set, as in the following example.

Suppose you want your script to return a confusion matrix rather than an entire prediction dataset as in the preceding example. The problem is that the prediction algorithm may not include some of the possible target values to the prediction dataset, due to their low probability. In that case, the columns for those values will be omitted in the confusion matrix, which often happens when you make predictions on a small dataset. For example, a confusion matrix computed from the results you got in the preceding example might look like this:

            1 2 7
          1 2 1 0
          2 0 1 0
          3 0 1 0
          4 1 0 1
          5 0 1 0
          6 1 0 0
          7 0 0 1

As can be seen from the matrix, the test dataset on which it was built contains only 10 records. Also, you can see that only Mondays, Tuesdays, and Sundays were chosen by the prediction algorithm when it worked on the provided dataset. Let’s now look at what would happen if you tried to invoke a script that returns such a confusion matrix.

First, you need to modify the script from the preceding example so that it returns a confusion matrix. The NBModelOnFlights2 script, which you can create as shown below, does just that:

    'function(dat, ds, obj) {
       ore.load(name=ds, list=obj)
       mod <- get(obj)
       dat <- ore.frame(dat)
       prd <- predict(mod, dat,supplemental.cols="DAY_OF_WEEK")
       rslt <- with(prd, table(DAY_OF_WEEK, PREDICTION))

In the following SQL statement, you invoke the above script, using the rqTableEval SQL table function, just as in the preceding example. Because you don’t know in advance what columns will be included in the returned matrix, you include all possible variants:

SELECT * FROM table(rqTableEval(
     cursor(SELECT 'dt_store2' as "ds", 
       'nb.mod' as "obj", 
       1 as "ore.connect" FROM dual),
    'SELECT 1 "1", 1 "2", 1 "3", 1 "4", 1 "5", 1 "6", 1 "7" FROM dual',

If some of the columns specified in the SELECT statement passed as the third parameter to the rqTableEval function are missed in the returned matrix (as in the example of the confusion matrix provided earlier in this section), you’ll get the following error message:

ORA-20000: RQuery error 
output data.frame does not match output specification

Actually, there are several different ways in which you can overcome the above problem.

The simplest way is to add missing columns to the matrix, filling their fields with zeros or nulls. Because this is supposed to be done entirely on the R side, doing that is not really the focus of this article. In contrast, the other options described below require you to do some work on both sides: R and SQL.

Examining the confusion matrix provided earlier in this section, you may notice that it contains the complete set of rows: 7, each representing a certain day of week. So, to match the output specification defined in the above query, you could simply rotate the matrix, converting rows into columns. Then, in the SQL statement, you could perform the opposite operation, converting columns back into rows. You’ll see in detail how this can be done in the next section.

Of course, the scenario described above is a very specific example of how you might merge R data into SQL. In most cases, however, the number of rows in a returning dataset can be very large and also is unknown in advance, making the above technique inapplicable.

So, if you don’t know ahead of time what columns will be included in the result set returned by an R script, the most generic and flexible way to handle this problem is to retrieve the data as XML. Oracle R Enterprise SQL table functions, such as rqTableEval used in the preceding examples, allow you to specify the retrieved data to be XML. You will see a detailed example of using this feature in the "Getting Results as XML" section later in this article.

Merging R Data into SQL

Data retrieved from an R script by a SQL table function can be further processed in this same SQL statement. The example in this section shows how you can transform a retrieved dataset, converting its columns into rows. As outlined in the previous section, you may need to do this, for example, when some columns of a confusion matrix returned by an R script may be omitted, but the structure of the rowset, in contrast, is constant and known in advance.

Let’s return to the NBModelOnFlights2 script discussed in the previous section. You need to modify this script so that it returns a rotated matrix, in which rows are transformed into columns.

First, drop the script:


Now, create it again, as follows:

    'function(dat, ds, obj) {
       ore.load(name=ds, list=obj)
       mod <- get(obj)
       dat <- ore.frame(dat)
       prd <- predict(mod, dat,supplemental.cols="DAY_OF_WEEK")
       rslt <- with(prd, table(DAY_OF_WEEK, PREDICTION))
       rst <, t(rst)))

As you can see, the revised NBModelOnFlights2 script rotates the confusion matrix and adds a column that includes the column names of the matrix that existed before the rotation was made. As a result, the returning matrix should look like this:

  V1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1  1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0
2  2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
7  7 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

After the sys.rqScriptCreate function shown above has been successfully completed, you can invoke the NBModelOnFlights2 script from within the following SQL query:

   SELECT n_v, val, "v" FROM(
            "n_v" n_v,
      FROM (
         SELECT * FROM table(rqTableEval(
             cursor(select DAY_OF_WEEK, DEP_DELAY, DISTANCE, AIR_TIME, 
             cursor(SELECT 'dt_store1' as "ds", 
               'nb.mod' as "obj", 
               1 as "ore.connect" FROM dual),
             'SELECT 1 "n_v", 1 "1", 1 "2", 1 "3", 1 "4", 1 "5", 1 "6", 
1 "7" FROM dual',
        for "v" in ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7")
  FOR n_v 
  IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

To summarize, in the above SQL query, you use several nested SELECT statements to accomplish the following:

# Retrieve a confusion matrix generated and rotated in the NBModelOnFlights2 script
# Restore the matrix to its original order

In this example, you accomplish restoring the matrix to its original order with the PIVOT and UNPIVOT operators first introduced in Oracle Database 11g. You can find more examples of using PIVOT/UNPIVOT operators in this OTN article.

The output generated by the above query might look like this:

v     1     2         3           4         5          6      7
1     2     1     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     0
2     0     1     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     0
3     0     1     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     0
4     1     0     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     1
5     0     1     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     0
6     1     0     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     0
7     0     0     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     1

As you can see, the only difference between the above matrix and the original one is that the above matrix includes columns with nulls.

Getting Results as XML

Even if you deal with a confusion matrix, it still may contain not only an incomplete set of columns but also an incomplete set of rows, meaning that not all possible factor levels have a corresponding row in the matrix. This happens when the test dataset on which predictions are made has no instances containing a certain factor value. For example, in the preceding example, you might have a test dataset that has no instances with Thursdays in the DAY_OF_WEEK field. So, the matrix generated on such a dataset might look like this:

            1 2 7
          1 2 1 0
          2 0 2 0
          3 0 1 0
          5 0 1 0
          6 1 0 0
          7 0 1 1

Obviously, the technique of rotating described in the previous section will not work for the above matrix. As mentioned, the most flexible solution in such cases will be to retrieve the data returned by a script as XML. Then, the retrieved XML can be shredded into relational data, if necessary.

In this particular example, however, you’ve got a problem concerning XML naming rules. The point is that XML element names must start with a letter or underscore. But here, you will have elements with names composed of digits: 1, 2, 7. The entire list of the naming rules that XML elements must follow can be found in the "XML Naming Rules" section on the XML Elements page of the website.

Thus, to be parsed properly, you need to modify the XML document so that it meets the specification. For example, you might prepend an underscore to the element names, as illustrated in the example below.

    'function(dat, ds, obj) {
       ore.load(name=ds, list=obj)
       mod <- get(obj)
       dat <- ore.frame(dat)
       prd <- predict(mod, dat,supplemental.cols="DAY_OF_WEEK")
       rslt <- with(prd, table(DAY_OF_WEEK, PREDICTION))
       rst <
       for (i in 1:ncol(rst)) {
         names(rst)[i]=paste("_", names(rst)[i], sep="")

As you can see, this is mostly the same script you used in the preceding example but with a few new lines appended at the end.

If you now invoke the NBModelOnFlights4 script from within rqTableEval:

SELECT * FROM table(rqTableEval(
             cursor(select DAY_OF_WEEK, DEP_DELAY, DISTANCE, AIR_TIME, 
             cursor(SELECT 'dt_store2' as "ds", 
               'nb.mod' as "obj", 
               1 as "ore.connect" FROM dual),

----- ------
null  <root>

Now that you know the structure of the XML document returned by rqTableEval, you can extract XML elements representing rows of the matrix. To do this, you might use the XMLQuery SQL/XML function, as illustrated below:

SELECT XMLQuery('/root/frame_obj/ROW-frame_obj' PASSING xmltype(VALUE) 
             cursor(select DAY_OF_WEEK, DEP_DELAY, DISTANCE, AIR_TIME, 
             cursor(SELECT 'dt_store2' as "ds", 
               'nb.mod' as "obj", 
               1 as "ore.connect" FROM dual),

The generated output would look as follows:


Using the XMLTable SQL/XML function, you can shred the XML document into relational data.

WITH rst AS(
SELECT /*+ materialize */, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5","6", "7" FROM 
             cursor(select DAY_OF_WEEK, DEP_DELAY, DISTANCE, AIR_TIME, 
             cursor(SELECT 'dt_store2' as "ds", 
               'nb.mod' as "obj", 
               1 as "ore.connect" FROM dual),
            'NBModelOnFlights4')) x,
      'for $i in $r/root/frame_obj/ROW-frame_obj return $i'
      PASSING xmltype.createxml(x.value) as "r" 
       COLUMNS "1" VARCHAR2(1) PATH '_1',
               "2" VARCHAR2(1) PATH '_2', 
               "3" VARCHAR2(1) PATH '_3',
               "4" VARCHAR2(1) PATH '_4',
               "5" VARCHAR2(1) PATH '_5',
               "6" VARCHAR2(1) PATH '_6',
               "7" VARCHAR2(1) PATH '_7') xt)
SELECT "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" FROM rst;

You’ll get the following output as the result:

1     2          3          4          5         6      7 
2     1     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     0
0     1     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     0
0     1     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     0
1     0     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     1
0     1     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     0
1     0     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     0
0     0     (null)     (null)     (null)     (null)     1

Passing in JSON or XML Data

In the examples so far, the data passed to the R function has been selected from a relational database table. In particular, you passed the following SELECT statement in the cursor as the first parameter of rqTableEval:

ORIGIN_AIRPORT_ID from dt_ontime_t

Actually, you are not limited to relational datasets when it comes to the data to pass to the R function defined in a stored R script. Because Oracle Database can transform data in other formats to relational representations, you can easily access nonrelational datasources (such as JSON or XML) in SQL statements.

Suppose you have the test dataset from the previous examples in JSON format stored in a dt_ontime_t.json file, as follows:


Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (, you can use the JSON_TABLE SQL function for translating JSON data into relational format. In this particular example, it might work as follows:

     httpuritype('http://localhost/dt_ontime_t.json').getCLOB(), '$.rows[*]'

which produces the following output:

7           195           1189      155       204      B6             13204
1            84            541       83        90      B6             11057

For convenience, you might create a view on the above query:

CREATE VIEW dt_ontime_v AS 
     httpuritype('http://localhost/dt_ontime_t.json').getCLOB(), '$.rows[*]'

After that, you can refer to this view as if it were a regular database table:

SELECT * FROM table(rqTableEval(
             cursor(select DAY_OF_WEEK, DEP_DELAY, DISTANCE, AIR_TIME, 
             cursor(SELECT 'dt_store2' as "ds", 
               'nb.mod' as "obj", 
               1 as "ore.connect" FROM dual),

As always, the generated output depends on the dataset passed in; it might look as follows in this particular example:

----- ------
null  <root>

In a similar manner, you could work with XML, employing the XMLTable SQL function you already saw in the example in the preceding section.

See Also

About the Author

Yuli Vasiliev is a software developer, freelance author, and consultant currently specializing in open source development, databases, business intelligence (BI), machine learning, and virtualization. He is the author of a series of books on Oracle technology, including Oracle Business Intelligence: An introduction to Business Analysis and Reporting (Packt Publishing) and PHP Oracle Web Development: Data processing, Security, Caching, XML, Web Services, and Ajax (Packt Publishing).

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